Hair Loss and Pregnancy:
Although pregnancy is a wonderful phase for a woman, but it tends to bring with itself lots of hormonal disturbances, especially wwith regards to hair loss and weight gain.
A woman tends to enjoy a great time with her hair as it becomes strong and shiny during pregnancy, because the there is an increase in the level of estrogen, which maintains hair in the growth phase and stimulates hair growth as well.
however, post partum, thick hair that was aquired may start to thin as estrogen levels drop. This usu happens three months after delivery, and is called as - POST PARTUM HAIR LOSS.
hair starts to fall in copiuos bunches with increased soreness in the scalp in front and top along with thinning. Hair are suddenly pushed in the telogen phase which is the falling phase. This type of Hair loss is called as - Telogen Effluvium.
The luxuriant hair growth is reduced to hair loss after pregnancy.
Hair Loss after pregnancy is often increased by factors like: hormonal imbalances, physical stress and lack of sleep due to attending to the baby, vitamins and iron deficiency.
Treatment options for hair loss after Pregnancy:
Keeping in mind the general nature of this blog:
Hair Loss can be retarded With proper Dietary Care. hair foods including spinach in any form, 5-6 cubes of paneer, 2 glasses of milk, 12-14 glasses of water along with vitamins and iron and good diet.( Diet and Hair Loss, see below) with adequate rest should prevent hair loss.
Ayurvedic Treatment for hair loss is also very, very helpful.(see below )
In short, esp for hair Loss after pregnancy: Hair Oil is very good hair and scalp conditioner. Oil doesnot neccesarily cease hair loss but helps in conditioning which is a prerequisite for healthy hair.Also regular sleep, fresh air and excersices will help reduce hair loss.
But still It is always preferable to be in touch with a doctor as hair Loss and pregnancy are hormonal cousins.
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I lost my hair during pregnancy Some one recommend me to use herbal hair shampoo instead of using harsh chemicals. I am impressed with the results. I definitely recommend this to others. I can see a thin layer of hair follicles on bald area.
You should take care of your diet and you need to consult best doctor for hair problem ,thanks for sharing your hair problem and its treatment
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